I am willing to bet that title got your attention, you’re probably wondering what that is all about. Jetstream is a Canadian company that has developed software and a platform of services that I think will revolutionize our industry. I know that’s a BIG capital BIG statement and I stand behind it because I really believe they have developed something special. This is not an advertorial blog but rather a shout out to my readers who have been dreaming and wondering about the same thing I have for most of my career – when is someone or something going to change in the hotel business.
When I say dreaming of change, I mean the way in which we must sew together the front end of our business. In the old days, the front end of the hotel business was well, rather simple, and it looked like this. We had a 1-800, plus the reservation department and we threw in the brick-and-mortar travel agent. If you had meeting space, throw on the sales team and that was it, that was the stack you needed to get heads on beds. Today we have a dog’s breakfast so to speak of technology, apps, and processes that are all separate and fragmented. What Jetstream has done is put all these together in the form of one service. Starting in vacation rentals and now fully integrated for limited service, non-branded hotels.
I say non-branded because your brand won’t let you. Remember that franchise agreement….
Today, in the limited-service non-branded hotels, to get heads on beds you need: a website, a property management system, a presence on the OTA’s, global distribution and marketing, channel management, revenue management, calendar management, guest communication pre-stay, guest screening, guest arrival, stay and departure services including cutting a key. What Jetstream has done is put these services, technologies, and processes into one package that they deliver for a simple fee tied to room revenue.
Now, I know what you’re thinking AKA – OTA’s version 2, but no this is not another version of that deal. OTA’s take your 15-25% commission in exchange for a reservation and that’s the end of their help. Jetstream also leverages OTA’s plus direct bookings and adds all the other up-front services, so you don’t need to do it yourself or pay for it separately.
No more scratching your head, no more upgrades, and add-ons.
No website fees, zero, zilch, nada.
- They manage your calendar, including distribution and marketing on every OTA platform, and I mean all the OTA’s. This is managed through their proprietary technology. This creates greater visibility and lift.
- They manage your listing optimization on every platform, including multiple room types.
- They provide revenue management utilizing industry-leading pricing optimization software tools.
- They screen all guests using state-of-the-art technology and can even insure guest stays.
- They provide 24/7 multilingual guest communication from inquiry, pre-arrival, in-house, post departure with real people on the phone in 3 global locations. They provide 100% of all guest communication.
- They have keyless entry technology that works, no PMS interface is required.
- They collect the room revenue and taxes from the guest and deposit these into your bank account in real-time.
- They provide post-stay guest reviews and management.
All of this is provided for one very reasonable fee. No 20-year contract here, not even close. It’s a flexible short-term agreement.
The only things they don’t provide are onsite cleaning/maintenance, in-person hosting should you want it or need it, and back office accounting.
Imagine if you will. You have a 50-room limited-service hotel. Perhaps you’re looking for a better mousetrap and superior returns on your real estate. You no longer need a front desk, no PMS or night audit, and none of the front-end services listed above. You collect your room revenue and maintain your asset. That’s it. That is a revolution in hospitality and it’s not a dream, it’s here.
Coming Soon in 2022 – The Prosperous Hotelier
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The Seven Secrets to Create a Financially Engaged Leadership Team in Your Hotel
Contact David at (415) 696-9593
Email: [email protected]